Most of the CBSE students take the language subject of English lightly and overlook practicing it with the help of a competent CBSE board English book for class 10. In fact, while sitting in Class 10 English examination hall, students do waste a lot of time finding answers to Section A—Reading Comprehension. As the content of this section is new every time and students have no idea what would be there in this section, it requires sharp intellectual skills to answer this section apply. Now the question is, ‘How to develop your reading comprehension answering skills?
Following tips along with a good English study material for class 10 would help you answer this section well and fast too.
- Do not overstress on the irrelevant matter
The content of reading comprehension is important but don’t get over obsessed with examples and illustrations. Just focus on the key points and not much on the illustrations or figures. Grasping the main content of the passage is the key to answer all the questions. To get acquainted with the structure of this section in the exam paper, do stay in touch with a perfect CBSE board English book for class 10, wherein you would find plenty of such reading comprehension for good practice.
- It is not about memorizing
There is simply no need to learn each and every word of the passage. Comprehending the flow, construction, and the key points in the passage are enough to answer the questions that follow it. Re-read the passage, as and when you find a need. You will be in a better position to handle this section if you’ve already practiced it well through an English book for class 10.
- Read the questions first
Sounds odd? Well, it isn’t at all. As you have very limited time in the Class 10 board exams, applying this trick would get you through the English exam paper with flying colors. Read the questions first and then go on to the passage. This will give you a pre-notion about what to look for in the passage. Get enough practice through an English book for class 10 like ‘Together with English study material for class 10‘ and you would already know how to answer this section quickly.
- Solve this section later on
As ‘Reading Comprehension’ takes a lot of your time in the exam, let’s keep it at the last in the queue. So, attempt to rest three sections before coming to this one. Wondering how would this help? Folks, by the time you would come to this section, you would have a fair idea of how much time you can give to this section (As there is nothing else left to answer now!). Moreover, you are already optimized towards this exam paper, and would surely give your best to attempt this section. Know how to answer this exam paper well with the help of the CBSE board English book for class 10 and give your best
- The answer is in the passage itself
Do not think that the correct answer would not be there in the text, and you need to think out of the box to write the answer. The correct answer is always based on the content of the passage. So, do not get distracted!
Once you gulp these tricks to answer the ‘Reading Comprehension’ in CBSE Class 10 English exam and practice sample papers and previous years’ exam papers through English study material for class 10, you’re all sorted. Good Luck!