The subject of Mathematics is completely practical and requires long and tricky calculations to solve the questions. And when you’re in class 12, Maths require even more hard work with the help of a CBSE Mathematics Study Material class 12 to be able to answer all the problems in the exam paper, else you may end up submitting an incomplete answer sheet. As the CBSE exam paper permits only fixed 3 hours to submit the answer sheet, a student must know how to handle so many questions within the stipulated time. To be excelled in dealing with the long Maths board paper for Class 12, the best way is to buy a constructive Mathematics Study Material for Class 12. Such Math Study Material for Class 12 carries enough questions for a good practice, which eventually enhances your writing speed and steadily, you recognize the tactics of dealing with the exam paper.
Let’s check out some other useful tips to finish the Class 12 Maths board exam paper on time.
- Know the exam pattern
Yes, of course. To finish the Maths exam smoothly, you must know how to begin it, which includes answers to these questions–
- Which questions to pick up first?
- How to do calculations quickly?
- How to manage question paper reading time?
- How to quickly revise Maths paper before submitting it?
You will know the answers to these questions yourself if you have been practicing the paper through appropriate CBSE Mathematics Study Material class 12. Such Mathematics Study Material for Class 12 familiarizes you with the examination pattern/question paper design so that you’re already accustomed to the board question paper structure before appearing in the exam. Having a pre-idea about the exam pattern will surely save your crucial exam minutes.
- Prepare an exam strategy well in advance
Once you know the examination pattern, your next job should be to prepare an exam strategy for the final exam. The strategy should include a number of questions, types of questions, and the breakup of marks in the CBSE board question paper. When you know the number of questions in Maths CBSE paper for Class 12, you must break the total exam hours (which is 3 hours) accordingly and ensure that you are able to attempt all questions within the given time. Practicing solved questions papers/sample papers through Mathematics Study Material for Class 12 will automatically boost your speed and smartness to deal with the real-time exam paper.
- First 15-minute usage
We very well know that CBSE provides 15-minute reading time to the board exam students before actually beginning the exam. These 15 minutes must be utilized efficiently. Prepare an advanced strategy for reading the paper and analyzing the answer pattern you will follow for each of the given questions. Read all the questions quickly and sequence them for answering. Use a pencil if you want to give them numbers. Categorize them into three broad categories—easy, manageable, and tough, and start writing. You would well utilize these 15 minutes if you have already solved a lot of previous question papers with the help of CBSE Mathematics Study Material class 12 during Maths exam preparation.
- Don’t get anxious
It is quite natural to find some questions tougher or more complex than the rest. Though you have studied hard through Maths Study Material for Class 12, you may see some questions that are quite complex or tricky. You must know how to handle them rather than getting overstressed. To start, do the easier problems first. As you will solve each question and get the correct answers, you will be confident in handling the complex problems too. And somehow, you will work on them and may possibly be able to solve most of them correctly. You can also reduce anxiousness by practicing through a Math Study Material for Class 12 and gaining confidence beforehand.
If you follow the above-given tips dedicatedly, we assure you that you would come out from the examination hall cheerfully.
Good Luck!