Every ambitious board student studies hard to obtain excellent result in the CBSE board exams. In fact, students must practice through a good set of CBSE based sample papers, CBSE question bank 2021 and other study material to achieve their dream results.

Despite studying dedicatedly, many board students often come across dicey situations in board exams, which put them into distress and inculcate a sense of exam fear within them. We have come up with some excellent and effective ways for you all so that you do not end up into exam chaos and fear while you step into the board examination hall. Let’s move on!
1. Breathe a little more!
It is a small job but you must follow it once you settle down on your exam hall seat. Take a deep breath and imagine exhaling all your stress while trying to be calm. To make the environment all around you a little more comfy, remember your God and then get, set and go! Remember to start the exam by filling your name and roll number on the front page of your answer sheet. I’ve seen many students who, out of stress, forget to write this most important field of the answer sheet. So you better be careful…
Further, if at any moment, you feel panicked, simply put down your pen/pencil and again take few long, deep breaths. This will fill your blood with oxygen and you would certainly feel better.
2. Read the question paper carefully
Even before you begin writing the first answer, you must read all the questions carefully. When you read all the questions beforehand, you are in the right frame of mind to select the questions in sequence of their ease and start attempting them one by one. Also, you are free to ask any query from your instructor, at any point of time.
3. Manage the time
This action needs an immediate reaction! You must be strict in time management in the exam hall as you will get restricted time period to finish your exam paper. Here, if you’ve already given enough practice to the subject with the help of CBSE question bank like Rachna Sagar question bank, performing this act will be much easier. Rachna Sagar question bank is an excellent source of board exam practice material as it is completely based on time management skills as suggested by the CBSE.
So if you’re unsure about a particular question, do not panic. Skip it and move on to another one. Whatever you do in the exam paper, remember one thing—you have given your best and the life must not stop here. There’s a lot more to cherish in the world than centralizing yourself only around board exams…so once you’re done with the exam, forget it and move on!
4. Do the multiple choice questions first
MCQs are the most scoring ones and you can do them really fast. So, try to make them your priority in every board exam. The best trick to crack an MCQ quickly is to just eliminate the options which you realize to be completely incorrect and then make a wise guess. You would end up cracking the answer very fast. Here too, a good prior practice of MCQs through CBSE question bank 2021 like Rachna Sagar question bank is a great idea!
5. Skip distractions
In the exam hall, you would find some students who’re enough to distract your concentration. Avoid them. If someone is causing a lot of disturbance, either ask him/her to be quiet or inform the instructor. Your exam is your exam and no one else would take its responsibility, so you must be responsible yourself! Ensure a quick review of the answer sheet before final submission and rectify the spotted mistakes.
To sum up, if you follow the above given simple ways, nothing can bring down your board result. Just as the hard work pays off, these ways would also pay you victoriously.
Good Luck!
If you are looking for the perfect CBSE question bank 2021, Rachna Sagar question bank is the right pick! To order, visit rachnasagar.in today & get special discounts!