Love or hate, you need to pass the ICSE exam of chemistry with excellent scores. If you love the subject, you would strive to score 100% marks in the chemistry exam to shape up your future career, and if you dislike the subject, you would still work hard to score excellently so as to boost your overall percentage.
The best way to study chemistry subject is to relate to it and then, it would become the simplest subject to attempt in the exams. Let’s look at the vital points that would help you to grasp each and every chemistry topic very easily and solve/answer the related problems/questions effortlessly.

Never miss your online classes
As we all are in the pandemic zone presently, students have only one mode of school education, that is, online classes. So make sure you make complete use of these classes and never miss them. Your teachers are the best mentors and combining their teachings with the best and the latest ICSE chemistry study material for class 9 would do wonders in your result. So, be regular in attending the classes and follow the updated Together with ICSE chemistry study material for class 9 rigorously.
Focus more on understanding than rote memorization
Chemistry and its related concepts must be well understood to answer any chemistry question Therefore, focus more on understanding the various concepts so as to answer any related problem/question like an expert. While you understand the subject concepts, it is equally important to practice the related questions through the most viable ICSE board chemistry book for class 9. And for this, you can simply trust the 2021-22 edition of Together with ICSE chemistry study material for class 9. This book comprises all relevant terms and definitions along with a lot of practice material for self-practice.
Avoid studying chemistry when you feel drowsy
To understand chemistry, you need concentration and a fresh mind. So when you’re feeling sleepy, pick up any other subject except chemistry or have some rest (a nap maybe). An inactive brain will not understand the complicated concepts of chemistry even if you have the best ICSE chemistry book for class 9. So relax a bit and come back to studying chemistry refreshingly.
Try mind mapping
Mind mapping is the best way to learn and understand chemistry. When you know all the topics, you must develop a strategy about which topic to be done first and which one to be done at the later? You will learn chemistry very fast this way. Try it!
Practice to be a master of chemistry
Once you know the basics of every topic of the subject, it is time to practice more. For this, there could be nothing better than buying and practicing through the latest Together with ICSE board chemistry book for class 9. It includes all relevant and anticipated ICSE questions (with solutions), which is a big help for the students.
To sum up, studying chemistry can be a problem for even bright students. However, if you have your textbook and perfect ICSE board chemistry book for class 9, tough can be easy! So, buy the updated Together with ICSE chemistry study material for class 9 and start the exam preps without any delay.
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Happy studying & good luck to you!